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Results & Impact

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Results + Impact

Learn more about the results and impact of the 20-year scholarship program.

The ripple effect of generational impact

Kauffman Scholars, Inc. video: "Impact"
WATCH on YouTube: “Kauffman Scholars: The ripple effect of generational impact” | 4:16 >


Number of
KSI Alumni


Financial investment
over 20 years


Percentage of alumni that reside in KC metro


completion rate

The Kauffman Scholars team worked with NORC to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the 20-year KSI program. NORC collected data across four data sources:

  • Secondary data — includes internal data from KSI about their scholars, as well as external data from the National Student Clearinghouse which tracks students’ college and postsecondary education.
  • Survey data — conducted via the web and sent to all scholars for whom a valid email address existed, totaling 1911 people (74% of all scholars). Overall, 338 (18% of invitees and 13% of all scholars) completed all or some of the survey.
  • Storytelling interview data — conducted 26 storytelling interviews with KSI: 20 interviews with alumni, 2 with active scholars, and 4 with inactive/non-completing participants.
  • KSI staff interview data — conducted 13 interviews: 7 interviews with former staff and 6 interviews with current staff.

Being 12 years old, being in a program, and starting – day one – having young professionals, young adults, that look like me tell me I can go to college, that was a huge impact.

— Erynn Campbell
Class 2 Alum

Key insights:

  • Black/African American students made up the majority of scholars in all cohorts and overall.
  • Latinx/Hispanic and American Indian students were the next largest groups — 17% and 16% respectively — but the proportion of American Indian scholars generally declined over time while the proportion of Latinx/Hispanic scholars grew.
  • Together, these three groups accounted for nearly 90% of all scholars.

Key insights:

  • Overall, the proportion of scholars who completed the high school portion of the KSI program grew over time (19% in Cohort 1 to 58% in Cohort 8), and six cohorts had completion rates of over 50% (including Cohort 1A at 72%).
  • Similarly, the proportion of scholars who achieved alumni status increased over time as well, from 8% in Cohort 1 to 43% in Cohort 8.