New Employer Business Trends: A Methodological Note April 1, 2021 The New Employer Business Indicators have been compiled in an effort to provide information on new employer businesses, a subset of all entrepreneurial activity. The series provides users with measures to estimate and track trends in the emergence of these businesses, their representation in the population and among all firms, and the time it takes these businesses to make a first payroll.
State Report on Early-Stage Entrepreneurship in the United States (2020) March 1, 2021 This report presents state trends in early-stage entrepreneurship in all 50 states and the District of Columbia from 1996-2020.
Establishment Mobility in the United States: Interstate Move-Ins and Move-Outs February 12, 2021 This brief explores the movement of establishments within the United States by calculating an interstate establishment mobility ratio. Establishment mobility reflects the overall movement of establishments across states, and includes establishments in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors.
Strengthening Knowledge Creation and Research in Entrepreneurship: Inclusion Matters February 8, 2021 How is diversity and inclusion relevant to knowledge creation and research? Various studies indicate that researchers’ positionality – the various identities they hold – has a substantial impact on not only research topics, but also the theories and methods that scholars develop and use.
Wooing Companies to Move: Are Business Incentives Worth the Cost? February 8, 2021 Economic development incentives aimed at attracting companies to a region have been a defining feature of many regional economic growth strategies. Are they worth it?
National Report on Early-Stage Entrepreneurship in the United States (2020) February 1, 2021 This report presents national trends in early-stage entrepreneurship for the years 1996-2020 in the United States, as well as trends for specific demographic groups when possible.
Economic Engagement of Mothers: Entrepreneurship, Employment, and the Motherhood Wage Penalty January 14, 2021 This report takes up the relationship among motherhood, caregiving, the persistent wage penalty it carries for women, employment, and entrepreneurship.
How Does COVID-19 Affect Challenges Facing Entrepreneurs? Trends by Business Age December 16, 2020 This brief takes a closer look at how business age matters in the way entrepreneurs feel the effects of COVID-19. It discusses challenges facing entrepreneurs before and during the pandemic, based on surveys with business owners during COVID-19 in spring 2020 and before COVID-19 in fall 2019.
Who Doesn’t Start a Business in America? A Look at Pre-Entrepreneurship Leavers December 3, 2020 To understand barriers in entrepreneurship, it is useful to gain insight into who wants to, but does not, start a business – and why.
How has COVID-19 Changed Challenges for Entrepreneurs? Implications for Entrepreneurship Support November 20, 2020 This report shares findings from a spring 2020 survey of 850 entrepreneurs about their experience during the pandemic, and compares them to results from a survey of more than 400 entrepreneurs in fall 2019, prior to the pandemic.