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Teacher Quality: Regional and National Studies

A compilation of studies on teacher quality.

Regional Studies

National Studies 

  • The Education Schools Project
    Researchers from The Education Schools Project studied education leader and teacher preparations programs at colleges and universities across the country.
    • Educating Leaders: This report—the first in a series of policy papers on the education of educators—offers a candid, no-holds-barred analysis of the university-based programs that educate the vast majority of the nation’s school principals and superintendents.
    • Educating Teachers: This report is the second in a series of candid policy papers on the education of educators. It identifies several model teacher education programs, but also finds that the vast majority of the nation’s teachers are prepared in programs that have low admission and graduation standards and cling to an outdated vision of teacher education. Both state requirements and accreditation agencies have failed to assure that America’s teachers are ready for the classrooms in which they will teach.
  • Teacher Effectiveness Study
    Dan Goldhaber from the University of Washington used a database from North Carolina to explore the relationship between teacher testing and teacher effectiveness.
  • Value-Added Assessment Study
    Daniel McCafferty of the RAND Corporation is looking at the effectiveness of the Value-Added Assessment on student outcomes in districts across the state of Pennsylvania.
  • Math Teacher Preparation Study
    The Teacher Preparation Study Panel of the National Academy of Sciences is currently conducting an in-depth analysis of mathematics education teacher preparation programs.