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Grounding our work in evidence & insights

We systematically investigate critical evidence-based questions and challenges to uncover patterns, trends, and solutions that inform our grantmaking strategies.

Two researchers take notes

Our approach to research

Research is the foundation of our grantmaking strategy and provides the framework for our evaluation and learning processes. Our research helps ensure that the Foundation’s investments are rooted in a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by the individuals, organizations, and communities we serve. By identifying key areas of need and opportunity, investments are strategically allocated to create the greatest impact.

We take a multi-dimensional approach to research, combining quantitative data with qualitative insights to paint a comprehensive picture of economic mobility. We do this by identifying strategic, evidence-informed questions and leveraging learnings from high-capacity research grantees.

Ultimately, our aim is to gather the information necessary to make informed, strategic decisions that maximize impact to close economic mobility gaps in the Kansas City region.

Research grantmaking opportunities

Research grants offer funding for forward-facing research projects that both catalyze the field and develop greater understanding of how to close racial wealth gaps.

By deepening our understanding of how racial wealth gaps are built, sustained, and dismantled, research grants aim to strengthen the Foundation’s ability to catalyze our investments across the three strategic priorities and accelerate equitable economic opportunity in the Kansas City region.

Conference attendees collaborating
Snapshots of research reports from the Kauffman Foundation

Explore our insights

Our reports provide an in-depth look at the data, stories, and findings that shape our work.

Learn more about Research, Learning, & Evaluation (RLE)

Two researchers take notes

We systemically investigate critical questions to uncover patterns, trends, and solutions that inform our strategies and practices.

Two people sit in front of a shared computer

We foster an environment of continuous knowledge sharing and capacity building to stay informed, innovative, and adaptable in a rapidly changing landscape.

Two people take notes

We measure outcomes and processes to identify strengths and areas for growth, assessing the effectiveness and impact of our initiatives.