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Strategic Priorities

Our strategic priorities – college access and completion, workforce and career development, and entrepreneurship – reflect the heart of our mission, uplifting access to opportunities that help people achieve financial stability, upward mobility, and economic prosperity, regardless of race, gender, or geography.

Learn more: Our strategic refresh | Operating Programs | Research, Learning, & Evaluation

A classroom of students

College access and completion – equitable opportunities for all

Students and communities thrive when educational pathways are affordable, high-quality, and attainable for all. We support solutions that prepare students to start and complete college, and transition to good-paying jobs.

A student and teacher in a classroom work together on a project

Workforce and career development – at every stage

When people have access to training, support, and the opportunity to achieve and progress on a career path, they can attain an equitable living wage, setting generations of people on the path to prosperity.

A business owner prepares for his shop to open

Entrepreneurship – supporting and sustaining small business ownership

When aspiring, early stage, and established business owners are connected to peer networks, startup training, tools, and resources, we improve conditions for both individual and community economic mobility.