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Kansas City

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141 results found
Missouri Charter Schools and Teacher Pension Plans: How Well Do Existing Pension Plans Serve Charter and Urban Teachers?

Note: An erratum to this report was published August 27, 2014. The initial report was inaccurate in stating that there is not reciprocity between the Missouri Public School Retirement System (PSRS) and the Kansas City Public School Retirement System (KC).The correction also examines rigidities in the transfer agreement that cause educators to face significant pension […]

Delivering on the Promise: How Missouri Can Grow Excellent, Accountable Public Charter Schools

The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (NAPCS), with the support of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, released a report, “Delivering on the Promise: How Missouri Can Grow Excellent, Accountable Public Charter Schools,” which issues recommendations to improve practices to close the state’s lowest-performing public charter schools.

Building Teacher Quality in the Kansas City, Missouri School District

The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) released a report on the Kansas City, Missouri School District’s (KCMSD) teacher policies, finding that the combination of a restrictive bargaining agreement, misguided state laws and historically poor district management have led to a system that has prioritized the interests of adults over the needs of students.